Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pizza Perfection

Don't you just love pizza? My family and I were discussing our local favorites this weekend as we waited for a delicious, crispy, cheesy rectangular pie to come out of the oven from Nick's Pizza in Newburyport.

Nick's has to one of our top three for sure! Not much atmosphere inside but it doesn't matter once you take a bite. We often stop here after visiting downtown Newburyport and browsing the shops or after some fun in the nearby Moseley Woods playground (probably open in mid-April). If you haven't been to Nick's, it is a must!

Another favorite is Bianchi's on Revere Beach. We love the big slices and really dig this one when it is at room temperature. Sounds weird, I know but there is something special that happens to the cheese when it is left to "age" for an extra ten minutes - just like a good wine, no doubt!

And how about Santarpio's in East Boston? Again, not much for atmosphere but who cares once you are stuffing your face with some of the best pie this side of Italy. When we wait here for take-out, we almost feel like we're doing an illegal backdoor deal - since you go to a side door off the kitchen under a bridge. But I think that little adventure makes it taste even better. And I hear they might open in Danvers where the old Bennigan's restaurant is on Route 1 North. I get the shakes just thinking about that!

Lastly, we give it up for Angela's Coal Fired Pizza on Route 1 in Saugus. We especially like ordering our own individual pizzas with toppings just as we please. Make mine a carmelized onion - mmm, I can almost smell it!

Pizza can make a long week a little better. As Kevin James said, "There is no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap."

What's your favorite pizza place?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mother Nature and the Language of Love

So spring has arrived, at least temporarily, making us feel that all can be possible with a little warmth and sun. With all of the devestating storms last week, wasn't it interesting that such beautiful weather followed? It was almost as if Mother Nature took a huge tantrum, wanted to say she was sorry, then sent sunshine our way.

How many times do we feel like this when we freak out on someone we love? We have these crazy emotions build up inside us then we blurt them out in even crazier ways, only to feel badly about what happened afterwards. There's the parent who yells at the child then follows it up with cookies and milk later, sometimes not being able to say the words, "I'm sorry". Or the couple who go without talking for a few days only to follow-up with a warm, understanding embrace. Or the person who can actually voice that heavy phrase and mean it. Actions can speak stronger than words sometimes. And love appears in many different ways. What kind of "love language" do those you love speak? Understanding that can solve many a mystery in a relationship.

So, if you're an "I'm sorry" type or "cookies and milk/hugger", I hope spring brings you renewed love, fulfilled promises, and fresh hopes.

For more information on the language of love that you speak, check out Gary Chapman's books on "The Five Love Languages" (of couples, children, teenagers, and more). A special thanks to my dear friend, Mairim, for letting me know about these books!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Luck of the Irish

As we near St. Pat's Day this week, I'm reminded that we could all learn alot from the Irish. Their sense of humor, carefree lifestyle, and twinkle in their eye encourages me to slow down and enjoy life a bit more.

How's this for a sign on a store door in Ireland..."Out for lunch. If not back by five, out for dinner, also."

Or how about this thought from George Bernard Shaw: "If you cannot get rid of a family skeleton, you may as well make it dance."

Slow down, learn to accept what we cannot change, and laugh more.

To further salute our Irish teachers, here's a favorite Irish bread recipe from my fun friend, Caroline. It is quite moist - unlike some Irish soda breads.

Caroline's Famous Irish Bread
4 cups flour
2 cups buttermilk
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup raisins

Soak raisins in warm water for about 10 mins. and drain.

Mix all ingredients and add raisins. Pour mixture into a greased loaf or cake pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 45-60 minutes. Top should be golden brown and toothpick clean after inserted.

(I usually double the recipe because buttermilk is sold in quart size.)

Comfort for the soul and for the belly. Thank you my dear Irish friends! Hope the week ahead is a lucky one for you!

Friday, March 12, 2010

March 8th Presentation Update

What a great turn-out at the Flint Library on Monday night. Over 70 people attended and a fun time was had by all! It was wonderful to see so many friends and make some new ones!

We talked about how movies can help us through life and showed clips from "Fried Green Tomatoes," "Up," and "Sex and the City - the Movie". We discussed seeing life as a book with chapters yet to be written and making sure you're getting the most out of your life, remembering you're the author and can control what happens next. And we were reminded how music, aromatherapy, travel, and friends are especially helpful ways to feel good. Many people who attended were very interested in the "Fun Local Adventures" section of my webpage to find ideas on how to spend a free afternoon or weekend. I'll be writing about some of these in future blogs and welcome your ideas, too!

My Cookie Central in North Andover provided yummy cookies and cupcakes including such outrageous flavors as espresso mudslide, blackforest, apple/walnut/brie, and s'mores. You have to try these cookies! Tell Michele that Ever After sent you and I'm sure she'll take great care of you! She delivers them right to your door!

A special thank you to Elizabeth at the Library for making all of this possible, and my family and friends for all of their help in making sure the night was a success!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ideas & Inspiration to Improve Your Life Using Books, Movies, & More!

Join me on Monday, March 8th from 6:30pm-8pm at the Flint Public Library, 1 South Main Street (Route 114) in Middleton, MA for this interesting presentation. View your life as a book with chapters yet to be written, learn about useful book and movie therapies, and how music, aromatherapy, and travel can help change your perspective. Chocolate will be served, of course!

The event is free, open to the public, and co-sponsored by the Friends of the Flint. RSVPs appreciated to or 978-846-3623.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Welcome to Ever After!

After many years of talking about starting my own practice, I've finally taken the plunge! With the support of great family and friends, it has been a pleasure making this dream a reality. After ten years as a counselor at North Shore Community College, I'm very excited to be able to offer my counseling services to a broader audience.

My style incorporates humor and getting you to where you want to be in life. If you don't know where that is (and many of us don't!), that is ok - we'll get there together. For some, it is managing a loss with the hope of a brighter tomorrow. For others, they might have a number of things on their Life To Do List but just be stuck. Believing in yourself can be difficult but you are ready for the challenge.

Here we will try to make life a little more fun, share stories and tips, and gain connections. We'll discuss lots of travel ideas - local travel to help you change the backdrop and refresh your spirit. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll stay a while and make yourself at home.