Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gifts of the Spirit

I just returned from an unusual workshop in Freeport, Maine, entitled, "Gifts of the Spirit." The two speakers were Cheryl Richardson, a popular life coach who has appeared on "Oprah", and John Holland, a famous psychic medium featured on "Unsolved Mysteries".

Cheryl started the day by reminding everyone that dreams are within your reach - all you need to do is ask for help. She claims she reaches most of her goals by asking the universe for help - thinking of a question within your mind and asking for an answer within 24 hours. Keep your eyes and mind open and you'll receive the signs you need. If it's that easy - why not try it? She is very successful - quite a powerhouse, indeed!
I especially like clicking on "A Touch of Grace" on her website - if you haven't done this before, you HAVE to try it! You click on a star for an answer to a concern you are currently facing. Some of you know I use her Grace Cards in my practice and we find them very useful and intuitive.

John Holland also believes in asking the universe or the Divine for help. He delivered messages to audience members from loved ones who have died. In a crowd of 300 people, where only 4 or 5 got messages, can you believe I was one of them? (Cheryl also chose me to go up and pick one of her cards - what a day! Was it fate?)

John speaks what he sees or hears in his mind then asks who might recognize it in the audience. He mentioned several connections that made me think of my father-in-law - talking about his two boys (my husband and his brother) and how proud he was of them, mentioning his military funeral, sharing Halloween with my son, and more. He also mentioned my grandparents who apparently also stopped by to say hello. It got very strange and tears of joy began to fall. Kind of nice to know that they are still out there keeping an eye on us!

I went to the workshop with an open mind and heart - seeking ways I can help clients in the future. While I truly believe other audience members needed a message from a loved one more than I did, I'm thinking it might be my sign to help others grieving remember that love never dies and connections last much longer than we might imagine.


  1. Hi Donna,

    I took your suggestion and went to Cheryl's website and clicked on "A Touch of Grace". I thought about a concern I am currently facing and clicked on a star and got the word "watch". It really could not have been a more perfect card for my situation. It was just the little intuitive boost I needed to help me find my way again. Thank you!!

  2. So glad you found it helpful, Caitlin! Those little boosts really can mean alot! Thanks for sharing!
