Think of your life as a quest. Instead of seeing foodshopping and going to the bank as boring errands, imagine who you might meet or what you may learn along the way. People you encounter in your life are there for a reason, helping you to learn and discover your own path and meaning.
When life doesn't go your way and upsetting events happen to you, take some time to reflect. If you keep trying for a certain job and you are not having any luck, perhaps you are meant to be elsewhere. If your partner or friend broke your heart, learn from it, but don't deny yourself new relationships or never trust again because of it. When we are in the middle of problems, they seem so overwhelming. Yet, this, too, shall pass. You don't want to miss opportunities because you can't get out of your own way!
Learn from our Italian friends about the "sweetness of doing nothing" and allow yourself a break. In the movie, I laughed when an Italian explains how Americans are so caught up in our busy schedules that is why we often want to spend our entire weekend in our pajamas starring blankly at the television. That is not living, that is exhaustion. Instead take several moments each day to savor for yourself. Sit, reflect, and smile. Try something new.
Having faith in yourself and a higher power can ease your burdens. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Live in the present instead of the past. Your prayers are probably answered more than you think. We all move so fast that we often fail to notice. If you pray to win the lottery, don't forget to buy a ticket! Sending "love and light" to those we love and those we need to move past, can be extremely liberating and fulfilling.
Finally, take chances. So many of my friends give up on love when it doesn't work out the way they imagined. A broken heart means that you at least tried to make love work. Instead of listing all of the reasons why you shouldn't, follow your heart and try to love again. Try something new. Volunteer your time, putting yourself into new situations, and talk to people you don't know - imagine who you might meet!
Eat, pray, and love! Good advice for all of us!